On the occasion of the Dauphine Libere, teams MPCC members took stock to 4 weeks of the Tour de France.
MPCC noted the decisions taken by the UCI, including:
– Prohibit the use of injections
– To put to rest 48 hours every rider who received an injection of gluco-corticosteroids. (MPCC apply this provision for 4 years with 8 days off)
MPCC continues, with an independent expert, and unexpectedly, to check his cortisol riders during competition, to ensure that this rule is applied.
– Validate the request to increase – to 4 – suspension for running positive for heavy products.
– To study, for assessment teams, a penalty for those riders who have positive (proposed MPCC)
– To continue to target suspicious riders at the controls.
MPCC wants to be reinstated CODE OF CONDUCT UCIPROTEAM  that had been adopted and signed by all teams from 1 January 2005.

In addition to its rules, teams MPCC members have re-signed so far this CODE OF CONDUCT and address to the UCI.

Following the repeat business that pollute our sport and to the need for credibility, teams and their sponsors, organizers need to align the trials riders who are not subject to disciplinary proceedings.
This specific request is made to the UCI and the AIOC.