The Tour de France stands out as a supporter of the work of the MPCC. Its Director Christian Prudhomme has defended the philosophy of the movement several times. While ASO’s race Paris-Nice is starting, he answers our questions.

« I wanted to say it again here: the MPCC’s raison d’être still remains. Self-imposed regulations, stricter than international ones, can avoid many concerns, debates or controversial issues. I like the watchword of the MPCC: to leave the light on. This is the key to our future. »

With these words spoken on last 18 October, Christian Prudhomme wanted to reaffirm the support of the Tour de France and ASO to the MPCC. Answering our questions, he stays faithful to its speech about the movement’s philosophy. And deeds follow words: once again this year, ASO granted all its wild cards to MPCC teams!