Credibility figures : Vigilance remains the watchword

In the midst of a year rich in sporting events, the MPCC provides a new update on the Credibility Figures. With 11 cases revealed in the first six…

Focus on the 2024 Giro starters

The first Grand Tour of the season, the Giro d'Italia, has only half of its starting teams signed up to the MPCC. The number of individual members…

Credibility figures : A mixed start to the year

After the first quarter, the MPCC noted six doping or fraud cases revealed in professionnal cycling and stays careful regarding the global situation…

Credibility figures : a difficult year for sport in general

With the 2023 review of the "Credibility Figures", the MPCC takes note of the thirty or doping cases revealed in our sport. Despite this stable…

Credibility Figures : 14 presumed 4 months

For the second publication, this year, of the "Credibility Figures", the MPCC took notice of the fifteen or so additional cases that have tainted…

Credibility figures: transparency is gaining ground

Since the beginning of the year, an average of 55 procedures per month have been revealed in top-level sport. This figure has been rising steadily…

Credibility figures: continental teams tarnished

Ethically speaking, the 2022 season seems to position cycling at the same level as in 2019, before the two years of the pandemic: twenty-nine cases…

Women WorldTour 2022: 25% of invited teams members of the MPCC

If we compare to the men's World Tour, the difference with women is obvious: 25% of the wild cards for 2022 WWT races were granted to MPCC member…

Credibility figures: increase in proceedings concerning cycling this summer

19 procedures concerning various cycling disciplines were revealed this summer, compared to only four cases in the first five months of the year.…

Credibility Figures: should cycling be satisfied with its record?

While more doping cases have come to light this year, cycling has so far been spared this increase. In the professional road teams, doping cases are…