Member of the MPCC between 2012 and 2015, Bardiani-CSF team has applied to re-join the movement in 2018. This membership request has been accepted on probation.

Bardiani-CSF explains why it wishes to be part of MPCC again : « The decision took by Bruno and Roberto Reverberi, general and team manager of the team, arises from the will to strengthen more and more the internal policy on antidoping and transparency. The decision is based on the sharing of values and purposes promoted by MPCC to have a more and more clean cycling, a relevant and prevailing factor over the contrasts emerged in the past. Of course, the team has accepted and immediately adopted the Association’s rules and relative obligations. »

On 27 December, the MPCC’s Board of Directors validated their membership on probation. The purpose of the movement is not to refuse teams applications. We will always be pleased when a team wants to commit to rules that are stricter than international authorities. In return, the MPCC demands an uncompromising respect for the regulation of the movement before considering full membership. Back in 2015, Bardiani-CSF de fact excluded itself from the movement by not complying with the internal regulation.